CPC Climate Capital Predevelopment Loan Term Sheet
Current as of: 10/21/2024

To fund support of pre-construction activities that result in projects meeting CPC Climate Capital’s Multifamily Performance Standards.
Capital for pre-construction activities (i.e., “soft costs”) such as:
- Site & building assessments (e.g., energy & decarbonization audits)
- Pathway to Zero O&M Plans
- Feasibility studies (e.g., solar PV feasibility)
- Design and engineering support
- Permitting support
- Workforce development and support
- Other predevelopment costs will be considered
- Borrower must have acceptable site access agreement and/or site control.
- Project must be located in a Low-Income Disadvantaged Community (LIDAC).
- Prioritization for emerging developers from low-income communities, communities of color, rural communities, energy communities, and Tribal communities, collectively, “priority communities.”
CPC Climate Capital, in its sole discretion, may, at any time and without prior notice, update or adjust the terms stated above, terminate the loan program, amend, or waive compliance with any terms (subject to applicable statutes and regulatory requirements). CPC Climate Capital also retains the right to not award funds or reject any or all proposals for funding under this program. All proposals must comply with all federal, state and local laws.