Community Connections

At CPC, we understand the critical role our nonprofit partners and peers play in providing access to the services and resources that help to support and empower residents of their communities. CPC Connections is an employee-led initiative that expands our impact, beyond our traditional lending and investing, by providing resources and knowledge sharing opportunities that help empower our partners to achieve their mission and goals.
How We Connect
Volunteering & Engagement
Creating opportunities for our team to grow, learn and connect with each other, our mission and the communities we serve.
Providing financial support to nonprofit organizations who work alongside us in the communities we serve and share our commitment to our commitment to affordability, equity, and sustainability.
Knowledge Sharing
Sharing expertise through webinars, summits, guides and trainings based on CPC’s impact goals.
Earth Day 2022
On Earth Day, CPC volunteers prepped a McCarren Park demonstration garden in Brooklyn for student visitors and built garden bed kits for GrowNYC green spaces throughout New York City.

Congratulations CPC
Connections Grantees

CPC awarded $500,000 to 10 nonprofit organizations operating in CPC’s markets and working to address issues related to closing the racial wealth gap or creating more sustainable communities.
- Buffalo Federation of Neighborhood Centers
- Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region
- Green City Force
- Hester Street Collaborative
- House of Mercy
- Nassau Community College Center
- Nepperhan Community Center, Inc.
- Rockland Housing Action Coalition Inc.(RHAC)
- Venture Jobs Foundation
- Youth Construct
Green City Force Spotlight
The CPC team joined inaugural CPC Connections grantee Green City Force for two recent volunteer days at their Eco-Hubs, located on New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) properties in Harlem and the Bronx. The urban farms provide fresh, on-site produce to public housing residents and is operated by 18-24-year-old NYCHA residents in the Green City Force AmeriCorps service and training program. Members of the program receive professional development in preparation for jobs in the green economy.
Knowledge Sharing

CPC ACCESS Incubator
The CPC ACCESS Incubator training advanced our commitment to closing the racial wealth gap with a comprehensive eight-week training series designed to empower BIPOC entrepreneurs to succeed in real estate development careers. The training series includes virtual learning modules in addition to one-on-one technical assistance from dedicated program consultants. More than 100 graduates have completed the training series, and several have used the Incubator program to develop a project plans that resulted in a successful multifamily real estate project financed by CPC.

With the CPC Connections Webinar Series, CPC convenes fellow practitioners and experts across the housing finance space to share and discuss best practices for tackling the sustainability, equity, and affordability challenges facing our communities. Webinar topics range from financing opportunities for multifamily building owners, to technical information about energy efficiency and high performance technology, among others.

BIPOC Developers Summit
CPC’s ACCESS and Western New York teams recently joined the City of Buffalo to host a summit for BIPOC developers. Nearly 100 attendees came together to learn about resources available through CPC and the City of Buffalo to empower BIPOC developers in Buffalo. Recent graduates of the CPC ACCESS Incubator program shared their experience as emerging multifamily real estate developers.
Find your local expert.
Contact us to find out how you can connect with CPC.
Jaime Sharrock
Senior Vice President
Strategic Communications and Community Engagement
[email protected]212.869.5300 ext 614