Who’s News: CPC president, Berdardi joins Colliers

Real Estate Weekly   

September 18, 2015


The Community Preservation Corporation (CPC) announced the election of Robert J. Duffy, President and CEO of the Rochester Business Alliance, to the CPC board of directors.

Duffy, who has previously served as the Mayor of Rochester for multiple terms and as Lieutenant Governor of New York from 2010 to 2014 alongside Governor Andrew Cuomo, brings over 40 years of experience serving the State of New York.

He has received significant recognition for his efforts over the course of his career. To commend his work as Lieutenant Governor, during which time he chaired the Regional Economic Development Council with the aim of rebuilding the state’s economy and positioning New York as a global economic leader, the National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations awarded Duffy the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.

This prestigious award goes to notable American citizens who demonstrate a lifelong commitment to community service.

Duffy’s career in public service began when he joined the Rochester Police Department in 1976.

After a distinguished 28-year career on his city’s force, during which time he was promoted to chief of police, ffy resigned to run for mayor of Rochester.

He won the election and went on to serve multiple terms as Mayor of Rochester until he was tapped by Governor Andrew Cuomo to serve as his running mate in the 2010 Gubernatorial Election.

On January 1st, 2015, Duffy began serving as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Rochester Business Alliance.